You can get banned for: Being a griefer/troll, spamming, cussing, building floating structures that are inappropriate, break the rules, or if the admin doesn't like you.
Global ban on Minecraft is when you get banned from Minecraft Multiplayer.
You will on most multiplayer servers, but not from Minecraft itself.
It truly depends on your offence towards the server.
You can't get banned from your account, but if you get banned from a server, try appealing on the website of the server. If they refuse your appeal, then you shouldn't have been bad in the first place. Find another server.
Global ban on Minecraft is when you get banned from Minecraft Multiplayer.
no cause that is the reason your banned
there is not a password if you are a banned you are banned
You will on most multiplayer servers, but not from Minecraft itself.
Vandalize a popular server.
no. you are only banned from what ever server you got baned from.
It truly depends on your offence towards the server.
You can't get banned from your account, but if you get banned from a server, try appealing on the website of the server. If they refuse your appeal, then you shouldn't have been bad in the first place. Find another server.
It depends on the server op's but if its your single player server no.
Remove them from the banned list in the server files, or say /unban
If banned a player and want to unban them, do: /unban <Playername> If you banned their ip and want to unban their ip, do: /unbanip <playername>