Remove them from the banned list in the server files, or say /unban
If banned a player and want to unban them, do: /unban <Playername> If you banned their ip and want to unban their ip, do: /unbanip <playername>
You can find out if u got suspend or u got banned for mincraft
Appeal the ban via the Appeals Center
When you end your game, all kicks are reset.
You don't unban yourself. Whoever banned you can unban you. What you have to do is appeal the ban.
If banned a player and want to unban them, do: /unban <Playername> If you banned their ip and want to unban their ip, do: /unbanip <playername>
You can find out if u got suspend or u got banned for mincraft
Appeal the ban via the Appeals Center
When you end your game, all kicks are reset.
If you mean a program that "magically unbans you from a server", those don't exist. You probably just got a virus.
The opposite of unban is to ban.
You don't unban yourself. Whoever banned you can unban you. What you have to do is appeal the ban.
you go to unban your meez .com
How do you unban multiplayer on your xbox 360
The Moderators on the site have to unban your IP Address.
All of the unban exploits have been patched.
Only Facebook Page Admin Have This right to Unban or Ban a Person No Other One have these rights to unban their self