to show that it is important to be prepared for an atom bomb attack
It wont come back unless you saved before you battled it.
Ash Ketchum Never Dies In A Pokemon Episode. Actually he does. Ash dies in "towers of terror" when a chandelier falls on him and pikachu they both die, when haunter pulls there spirits out of there bodies and they become ghost for the episode. IN the end Brock and misty find them and haunter puts them back. UNfortunately this episode wasn't aired because of its name. It reminded those of the twin towers and the attack so they didnt air it. But i have the video tape from a long time ago which is how i know
When a Sims dies, you have to wait about a day or two then wait and see if it comes out. They come out in no order and at random. If the grave is on your lot it helps. Happy Siming :)
I think they are flowers you can get at the graveyard and if your sim has it when it dies it can give it to the grim reaper and come back to life.
she dies of a heart attack and she gets married
Tomorrow Never Dies - video game - happened in 1999.
Tomorrow Never Dies - video game - was created on 1999-11-16.
special animated affects on computer edition or fake death
Every Man Dies Memorial Video - 2009 was released on: USA: 15 October 2009 (video premiere)
Cinderpelt dies from a badger attack.
Mr. Pignati
He dies because bandits attack him. :'(
He dies in new moon after having a heart attack when Victoria picked him up
she dies of a heart attack and she gets married
dies by video
he dies