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Ash Ketchum Never Dies In A Pokemon Episode.

Actually he does. Ash dies in "towers of terror" when a chandelier falls on him and pikachu they both die, when haunter pulls there spirits out of there bodies and they become ghost for the episode. IN the end Brock and misty find them and haunter puts them back. UNfortunately this episode wasn't aired because of its name. It reminded those of the twin towers and the attack so they didnt air it. But i have the video tape from a long time ago which is how i know

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Q: What Pokemon episode dose ash die in?
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Did ash die in Pokemon?

Ash lives most of the time in the Pokemon TV series. Ash did die in Pokemon the First movie in the scene when he was trying stop Mewtwo's battle, and Ash got frozen, and Misty cried during Pokemon tears. By the end of Pokemon the First movie Ash came back to life too see Misty and Brock again. In Pokemon the movie 2000 the wicked collector tried to catch Lugia and Ash fell in water and Misty swam to save Ash from dying again like in the 1st movie. Misty assumed that she thought Ash was dead again, but Ash didn't die in this Pokemon film. Ash lived. In Pokemon 3 the Movie and Pokemon 4ever, Ash always lives. Evan when the Entei kidnapped Ash's mother in Pokemon 3 the Movie and when Ash's Pikachu shocked the hunter to get Celebi and Sam's friendship back to normal again in Pokemon 4ever. I admit that Ash only died in the 1st Movie, and then came back to life by the Pokemon tears. You forgot, Ash also dies in Pokemon Episode the Tower of Terror.

In what Pokemon movie did Ash die in?

In the first movie Ash was turned to stone...In a Pokémon indigo episode Ash died from three ghost Pokémon (Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar) he became a ghost but somehow came back to life (Pikachu also had the same happen to him)

Was ash in Pokemon really in a coma and which episode does he wake up or die?

he was never in a coma, some people say that because they think Pokémon is stupid and they want to be smart and destroy everyones childhood. So dont worry he's alright.

Does ash die on Pokemon?

Yes on the 1st movie when Mew and Mewtwo are about to blast they dont blast eachover they blast ash into stone but all the pokemons tears get him back to life

Did ash die in Pokemon episodes?

Unfortunately, no. There was one episode not seen in the US where Ash had a gun pointed to his face and an episode where James of team rocket has breast implants!! Hopefully some day he'll accidentally swallow one of those poke'balls and it will choke him if it gets big. HA HA HA HA HA!!! No, but naruto uzumaki (the main character from naruto) dies in the 4th movie so therefore Ash may die when they cant make up any more new Pokemon! Beides how many more could they possibly make, before you know it there will be over 1000 Pokemon!!! no but he has been turned to stone on the first Pokemon movie but the pokemons tears bring him back Ash was Knocked out in two episodes - the one where he met Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar, he and Pikachu got killed, but their ghosts returned to their bodies after a short time and whan he and his friends flew from the door in the sinking St Anne ship. NARUTO DOES NOT DIE!!!! get it rite people the show is called naruto for god sakes how can u leave the show called naruto with out naruto DUH!!! think about lol and i wish ash died

Related questions

When will ash die in Pokemon?

Ash will die when he gets old you tart

Did ash die in Pokemon?

Ash lives most of the time in the Pokemon TV series. Ash did die in Pokemon the First movie in the scene when he was trying stop Mewtwo's battle, and Ash got frozen, and Misty cried during Pokemon tears. By the end of Pokemon the First movie Ash came back to life too see Misty and Brock again. In Pokemon the movie 2000 the wicked collector tried to catch Lugia and Ash fell in water and Misty swam to save Ash from dying again like in the 1st movie. Misty assumed that she thought Ash was dead again, but Ash didn't die in this Pokemon film. Ash lived. In Pokemon 3 the Movie and Pokemon 4ever, Ash always lives. Evan when the Entei kidnapped Ash's mother in Pokemon 3 the Movie and when Ash's Pikachu shocked the hunter to get Celebi and Sam's friendship back to normal again in Pokemon 4ever. I admit that Ash only died in the 1st Movie, and then came back to life by the Pokemon tears. You forgot, Ash also dies in Pokemon Episode the Tower of Terror.

Does ash keep his Bulbasaur in Pokemon?

ash keeps all of his old Pokemon including bulbasaur but they are in kanto, johto, and hoenn regions and they are in his PC boxes with proffessor oak. technically ash still has his Pokemon. the should come up with an episode when ash sees all of his Pokemon he ever caught. hope this helped!

In what Pokemon movie did Ash die in?

In the first movie Ash was turned to stone...In a Pokémon indigo episode Ash died from three ghost Pokémon (Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar) he became a ghost but somehow came back to life (Pikachu also had the same happen to him)

Did any Pokemon trainers die?

Ash did but the tears of the pokemon brought him back to life.

Does ash die in Pokemon movie 13?

no he doesn't die well i think on the 14th he does well that's what i've herd i don't know so i hope this helped i love pokemon

How has ash not died from getting electrocuted in Pokemon?

It is a show for children, Ash is the hero, so he cant die

Will Ash Ketchum Die?

Ash probably won't die, just like EVERY other main character on TV shows. Even if the Pokemon show stops running there will be new shows, new Pokemon cards, and more Ash Ketchum.

Did Pikachu ever die in any Pokemon episode?

In the games, Pokemon don't die, they just faint. In the anime, most Pokemon do not die either (except for old age). Except for a few exceptions like Lucario, Latios etc. In other words, Ash's Pikachu won't die for a long time. (unless something reallybad happens)

What Naruto episode does Naruto have's his funeral?

that doesn't happen in a naruto episode in one if the naruto shippuden movies it shows that naruto died but he doesn't die it's just the movie.

Was ash in Pokemon really in a coma and which episode does he wake up or die?

he was never in a coma, some people say that because they think Pokémon is stupid and they want to be smart and destroy everyones childhood. So dont worry he's alright.

Does misty die in pokemon anime?

No. she does not die she goes off to the gym because her sisters want to go on a vacation. Then she decides to go and says goodbye to ash and brock almost telling ash about she feels about him.(Even ash cried at the end). thank you for reading this