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There are several reasons why an account can be locked. Note that this is different than the account being banned. Usually an account is locked not because of breach of terms or behavior, but as a security measure.

The system retains information on your location when you log in; if you suddenly log in from a completely different country, the system locks your account as a precaution, to make sure it isn't compromised and being used by illegal parties.

It also does this if your account performs other "suspect" activities indicating it might be hacked or compromised, such as being logged in simultaneously from two locations.

Usually, going into your account and changing your passwords helps to undo the lock. If this doesn't help, contact Customer Support to have them sort out the issue for you.

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Q: Why did your wow account get locked?
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Can you multi-box with one account on wow?

No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.

Can you put add ons on a trial account in wow?

Yes, you can use any addons that a full account can use. There is no limit.

How do you merge two World of Warcraft accounts together?

If you mean merging 2 wow accounts so all the characters are available from 1 account, that is not possible. It is, however, possible to merge up to 8 WoW accounts under a single account. You can do this by going into your account and adding your second WoW account to it. This can only be done if both accounts are registered under the same name. You will still have to log into an account separately to access different characters, but you can start up WoW twice, and log in to a different account with each session. Addendum:The above answer isn't correct. You can certainly merge 2 accounts as long as your name is registered to both. The only exception to this I believe is if one of the accounts belongs to a minor over whom you have guardianship.

Can you use a trial account on a wow private server?

A trial account itself is not the issue, it's the installed program (client). Once you have that installed, and you have made an account with a private server, it will work regardless of you also having a trial account at

How do you recover a stolen account on Roblox?

Click on the 'Forgot Your Password' link next to the login area, and follow the instructions listed there.

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I have a account i can have yeah

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never it can never get locked

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No, it is not possible to deposit money into a locked account as the account is inaccessible for transactions until it is unlocked.

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Go to the official site linked below. Create an account. Add WoW or a WoW trial to your list of games. Download client. Log on with your account, and create your character.

What is a wow account?

A World of Warcraft account is a account that has World of Warcraft activated on it.

Can you multi-box with one account on wow?

No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.

Can you multi box with one account on wow?

No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.

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It is locked because you got reported to many times

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Once you have merged your WoW account with your username and password is the same as your username and password. For example my username is now my email address "*********" and my password is the same as my old wow password which you can change at any time at the website.