No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.
If you mean merging 2 wow accounts so all the characters are available from 1 account, that is not possible. It is, however, possible to merge up to 8 WoW accounts under a single account. You can do this by going into your account and adding your second WoW account to it. This can only be done if both accounts are registered under the same name. You will still have to log into an account separately to access different characters, but you can start up WoW twice, and log in to a different account with each session. Addendum:The above answer isn't correct. You can certainly merge 2 accounts as long as your name is registered to both. The only exception to this I believe is if one of the accounts belongs to a minor over whom you have guardianship.
Yes, you can use any addons that a full account can use. There is no limit.
A trial account itself is not the issue, it's the installed program (client). Once you have that installed, and you have made an account with a private server, it will work regardless of you also having a trial account at
When you install WoW, it install all expansions and patches up to the current client. This is even true if you do not upgrade your account to BC or Wrath. So it will take about 15 gigabytes.
No, the WoW free trial only includes the original game. There are no expansions in the free trial. Also while playing a free trial account you are not able to receive mail, whisper other players (unless they have you as one of their friends), or talk in channels (i.e. Trade, General)
No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.
You can purchase a WOW account on the Internet from a website that sells it or from a person that is selling their WOW account. ArmoryBids, and Buymmoaccounts are two good websites that sells WOW accounts.
I have a account i can have yeah
There are many ways to purchase WOW accounts, but very few of those ways are official. To officially buy a WOW account one needs to go the official website and purchase an account on it.
To download WOW MOP you must have a WOW account and the expansion purchased. After that all you do is login to, go to account page, select your account, then click install wow client on the right plane.
Go to the official site linked below. Create an account. Add WoW or a WoW trial to your list of games. Download client. Log on with your account, and create your character.
10 per sever 50 over all
It is against the terms of service to sell a WOW accounts. It is highly recommended that you do not buy a WOW accounts as this could lead to the account getting banned.
No. If you mean by patches, then yes you can. But not if you are talking about expansions. you have to buy it. My friend currently plays wow because I got on my account and downloaded the expansion and stuff to his computer under my account for free. That's one of the tricks I do to get people to play wow :)
A World of Warcraft account is a account that has World of Warcraft activated on it.
Generally speaking, no. Once you merge you WoW and accounts, which everyone MUST do, there is no going back. There are exceptions, like if you want to unmerge one account and link it to another account that you own. But for this, you would need to call customer support, and they would help you.
One can go to V Barrack to sell WOW accounts. One can also go to KH Accounts, Buy MMO Accounts, Epic NPC, Account Warehouse and Player Auctions as well as WOW Gold Sale Cheap.