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Because They Some Penguins Used It On Other Penguins and then they thought it meant hate so they toke it off

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Q: Why did they take away the skull emote on clubpenguin?
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Can you take people to a even funner website?

go to or clubpenguin. clubpenguin you cant buy clothes but at aobi you can.

Why did Disney take over clubpenguin?

Because They were jealous and upgraded it and now millions of people want the Old Clubpenguin

How do you take off safechat on clubpenguin?

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Is it possible for your puffle to die if its in water to long in clubpenguin?

Nope! You cant make your puffles die but you can make them run away if you don't take care of them! Hope I helped! ~Sasha9184~

Will New Horizon Interactive take clubpenguin back?

I think no.

How do you use the jetpack in clubpenguin?

take of your clothes then click dance

How do you kill a puffle on clubpenguin?

you cant. i am sure of that because people would not approve of the website if it was possible. they do run away though and they dont come back. so if you want to get rid of one just dont take care of it and it will eventually run away.

How long will it take to tip the Clubpenguin iceberg?

hour maybe minutes if ur lucky!

In clubpenguin in aquw grabber where do you take the Pearl?

Go up to the surface and drop it in the net

How can you take someones member penguin on clubpenguin?

you cant do that you have to make your own member penguin

How do you take pictures wih the camera on clubpenguin?

According to reliable sources , to take pictures one has to go to the igloo dance.

How to get rid of a MSVBVM60 DLL error when using a clubpenguin trainer?

if that's like a patched item error that means you can take it away by going into edit hide error/patched item id breakout!(you don't get the item though:-(