the room where all the creatures are in (classroom) you hav 2 sit an exam in there 2 be able 2 unlock the safety first shield emote
At the Edgeville bank, or in front of the Lumbridge castle.
Finish the quest Desert treasure and your home teleport will be Edgeville,
You can find it exactly north of the Barbarian Village and exactly south of Edgeville.
His house is in Edgeville on the east side. It has a fence around it and his mother inside.
lets, see. My best suggestion is druids which are located in the edgeville tunnel
The lodestone is North-West of the edgeville bank, next to the wilderness wall.
In the Edgeville bank, on BH worlds.
north of edgeville
Well, there is a Nomad on Runescape. He's at Soul Wars, south-west of Edgeville.
Monks can be found at the monastery west of Edgeville.
The basement of a house in Edgeville.
It's towards the bottom of edgeville, also if you have the key, there's a shack to the west of Varrock with an entrance to the hill giants.
go and find the stronghold of safety north of edgeville
you need to get varrock armour and you also have to be a member
Edgeville dungeon
just go to the dungeon in edgeville they are right after the hobgoblins
The King roach in the Stronghold of Saftey in Edgeville.