You can find it exactly north of the Barbarian Village and exactly south of Edgeville.
South of Edgeville, if you haven't done the Stronghold of Player Safety yet, then go to the house near the crevice.
Look for troll related quests, they are bound to lead you to troll stronghold.
Complete level one
you can pick flax at lletya, gnome stronghold, or catherby flax field.
Level 27 minotaurs in stronghold, or level 28 hobgoblins.
In the Stronghold of Player Safety, floor 3.
You can find it exactly north of the Barbarian Village and exactly south of Edgeville.
strong hold of safety is in the middle of barberian village near varrok and falador
Get about 5 rune scimitars from the highest bestiary in the Stronghold of Player Safety.
go and find the stronghold of safety north of edgeville
Yes, they are located in the stronghold of safety.
South of Edgeville, if you haven't done the Stronghold of Player Safety yet, then go to the house near the crevice.
Stronghold of Secruity is located in the middle of the Barbarian Village down the Entrance surrounded by mining rocks. Stronghold of Player Safety is exactly north of the Barbarian Village and exactly south of Edgeville.
You simply just need to get the the bottom of the stronghold of player safety and then open the chest.Note: The Cockroaches (no matter what level) shouldn't attack you, unless you attack them first.
yes you should simply go back to the chest were you got them
Ok, so for the stronghold of player safety its north of barbarian village, for the stronghold of security its west of varrock and east of falidor.
if you're p2p with high levels, I suggest Armored Zombies. If you're a f2p player, I recommend ankous or minotaurs in the security stronghold(barbarian stronghold).