His house is in Edgeville on the east side. It has a fence around it and his mother inside.
The oil can is in the sort-of-hidden basement of Draynor Manor. You can go to the Quest Help under Game Guide in the Runescape website if you're having trouble getting through the maze.
There are easier ways to make money than that. Do fishing.
Theres (3) places you can come across Blue Dragons In Runescape: - Taverly Dungeon ( 2 ) - Heroes Guild Basement ( 1 ) - Ogre Enclave "Watch Tower Quest", In Gu T'anoth Ogre City ( 4 )
Using a small net, you can catch these in the underground cave below lumbridge swamp. You can access this area from the lumbridge swamp, or lumbridge castle basement.
You must start the quest "recepie for disaster" and do the part of the quest "saving evil dave"
advice: get a weapon
do evil daves part on recipe for disaster, if you have completed it already go to evil daves house in edgeville and kill a couple hell mice and it will automatically turn into one
To get a hell-kitten you must have started to free Evil Dave in the quest "Recipe for Disaster". After having your kitten catch 7-10 hell-rats in Evil Daves Basement it will turn into a hell-kitten. *note that you can only have one "hellish" cat a time.
You can find Evil Dave's house in Edgeville, if you look at the house across from the bank.
You have no choice other than to complete it to get safely out.
The basement of a house in Edgeville.
Delmer Daves's birth name is Daves, Delmer Lawrence.
Scott Daves's birth name is Gregory Scott Daves.
hell rats are found in evil dave's basement(the basement of a house just west of edgeville bank).
Scott Daves is 6' 0".
Delmer Daves went by Del.