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You can use strength in Pokemon Diamond, however you do not use it much. It is located in the Lost Tower on Route 209. You must beat the sixth gym leader, Byron, in order to use it outside of battle. The areas in the game where you can use strength are Route 211 (West), Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh Gate (Basement), Stark Mountain, Snowpoint Temple, Wayward Cave (Basement), and Victory Road. Otherwise, you can use it in battle all you wont, although the move does not affect ghost Pokemon and isn't very effective against rock or steel type Pokemon.

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Where do you get acsess to use strength on Pokemon Diamond?

You need the cobble badge.

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You need the 4th badge first to use it.

Why cant you use strengh in Pokemon diamond?

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You need the Cobble Badge.

How do you get your Pokemon to learn strength in Pokemon diamond the game?

First you find the HM in the lost tower next to the hollow tower. then you get the badge from canlave city and your Pokemon can use strength

How do you use strength rock on Pokemon diamond?

First if you mean strength you must beat the gym leader in pastoria city and she will give the HM strength. Then you teach to a Pokemon and you can use it. If you mean stealth rock you can teach it to a Pokemon if you have the TM for it or sometimes your Pokemon will learn it. I hope this is helpful

How do you use strength if you didn't get a certain badge in Pokemon diamond?

shut up who ever u are

How can you move boulders in Pokemon diamond?

you can use the hm strength you can smash rocks with rock smash

Pokemon diamond what gym do you get strength?

You will be able to use HM04 Strength outside of battle after you defeat the 6th gym which is in Canalave City.

How do you capture other trainers Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

use a master ball if you haven't got any u cant