Actually, Magikarp can learn moves and level up. Magikarp can learn Tackle and Flail. Feebas can also learn Tackle and Splash. Magikarp and Feebas can't learn any more moves until they evolve into Gyarados or Milotic.
(Pardon my spelling mistakes) The Only Pokemon that can learn splash is Magikarp, Gyardos (if you didn't make it forget splash when it was Magikarp). The other two I THINK is Feebas And Milotic (Milotic's reason is exactly the same as Gyardos. Hope this helped! :)
Here are the moves magikarp can learn. Any level - Splash Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail Evolves into gyrados at level 20
Magikarp and Shedinja. Magikarp because it can only learn splash, tackle, and flail. Shedinja because it can only have 1 hp for its whole life.
Any water Pokemon besides magikarp and also linoone can learn surf as well.
Well, to be honest, i don't know when it learns water moves. In Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire, Magikarp learns Tackle around level 15. My Magikarp is level 16, and only knows Splash and Tackle. And for everyone who doesnt understand Magikarps existance, it evolves into an extremly powerful pokemon- GYARADOS!
wailmer and magikarp are the only that learn it that i know of
(Pardon my spelling mistakes) The Only Pokemon that can learn splash is Magikarp, Gyardos (if you didn't make it forget splash when it was Magikarp). The other two I THINK is Feebas And Milotic (Milotic's reason is exactly the same as Gyardos. Hope this helped! :)
Here are the moves magikarp can learn. Any level - Splash Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail Evolves into gyrados at level 20
Magikarp and Shedinja. Magikarp because it can only learn splash, tackle, and flail. Shedinja because it can only have 1 hp for its whole life.
Magikarp is one of the few pokemon that can't learn anything except Splash,Tackle (lvl15) and Flail (lvl30). But why would you keep it from evolving into Gyrados on lvl 20?
Any water Pokemon besides magikarp and also linoone can learn surf as well.
Magikarp. It can only learn Splash, Flail, Tackle and in Platunum, HeartGold and SoulSilver it can be taught Bounce.
magikarp because it cant learn tms or HMS and its only attack is splash wich does nothing
Well, to be honest, i don't know when it learns water moves. In Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire, Magikarp learns Tackle around level 15. My Magikarp is level 16, and only knows Splash and Tackle. And for everyone who doesnt understand Magikarps existance, it evolves into an extremly powerful pokemon- GYARADOS!
Splash puts the targets Defense low, and you have no other choice but to use it because it is the only move it knows.(Hurry and learn tackle!)
ANSWER:The weakest attack is splash. It does absolutly nothing. But i think it is a good move for a cute contest. I will have to check again. p.s. the Pokemon most likely to have this attack is magikarp. If you want to get a magikarp with this move you should use an old rod at any body of water. The Pokemon You reel in will definitly be a magikarp only knowing splash until it gets to a certaint level (I'm not sure which) it will learn tackle. MAGIKARP LEARNS SPLASH AT LV 1, TACKLE AT LV 15, AND FLAIL AT LV 30.
Magikarp can't learn any TM moves.