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Well, there's not exactly a good reason, all I can think of is the fact that the king in their name is part of their name, not part of their gender.

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Q: Why are slowking Kingdra and kingler not male only like nidoking?
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What moves are strong against the Pokemon Kingdra?

Dragon Type's And Ice Moves Like Dragonite Garchomp etc.

What level does Onix evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

He doesn't evolve by leveling up. It's exactly like how you get a Kingdra. to get Kingdra you trade him or get him in a trade while he is holding a Dragon Scale. To get Steelix, trade him over and back or get him from a freind while he's holding a Metal Coat.

Pokemon what is kingdra weakness?

Kingdras weakness is Dragon. It also has very good special attack which is for moves like surf, dragon pulse and ice beam. That's a good moveset for Kingdra and also teach it dragon dance if you go to the move tutors house. Glad i could help:)!

How do you breed Pokemon with a Ditto in soul silver?

Go to the daycare (located a bit beneath goldenrod city) and put in a ditto and a stage 2 Pokemon(like nidoking, empoleon, etc.) the just walk around and keep going back to the daycare, talking to the daycare man every time. at some point, he'll say your Pokemon had an egg so take it and hatch by walking around A LOT when it hatches you'll get the basic evolution of the Pokemon you put in (so if you put in nidoking you get the boy nidoran and if you put in empoleon you'll get a piplup. i hope i helped :3

What Pokemon can you breed with begon?

any Pokemon that has the egg group dragon like: charmander and its eveloutions,ekans arbok horsea searda magikarp gyrados dratini dragon air dragonite kingdra treecko grovyle sceptile swablu altairia seviper feebas milotic bagon shelgon salamence gible gabite and garchomp.

Related questions

What does kingler evolve into?

Sorry, Kingler does not evolve. Though Kingler is only the 2nd evolved pokemon, it can learn powerful moves like crabhammer at level 42.

What Pokemon uses cut in silver version?

Pokemon that are like Entei and Kingler or Crabby.

What moves are strong against the Pokemon Kingdra?

Dragon Type's And Ice Moves Like Dragonite Garchomp etc.

What are opinions on which Pokemon is the best?

Lots of people things is arceus, but I like these pokemon:Blissey, empoleon, torterra, garchomp, kingler, mew, infernape, giratina, ditto, feraligatr, typlosion, arceus, palkia, dialga, sceptile, blaziken, swampert, charizard, venasaur, bastoise, darkrai, entei, raikou, heatran, groundon, lugia, ho-ho, deoxys, articuno, rayquaza, zapdos, moltres, ursaring, tyranitar, flygon, togekiss, suicune, staraptor, spiritomb, snorlax, slaking, bastiodon, luxray, shiftry, salamence, sharpedo, kingdra, rotom, rhyperior, lucario, rampardos, all regis, raichu, primeape, porygon-z, poliwrath, donphan, ninetales, nidoking, nidoqueen, metagross, magnezone, magmortar, machamp, exploud, electvire, dragonite, camerupt, cacturne, ampharos, aggron, aerodactyl, alakazam and abomasnow.But this is MY opinion.

What is the best Pokemon to beat a Kingdra in Pokemon silver?

A Pokemon that has high special attack and a dragon move like dragonbreath.

What Pokemon should be my sixth Pokemon NidoKing SlowKing Poliwrath Cloyster Rydon or Steelix?

Use your starter or since you have a lot of water and ground types pick a type like fire or ice to protect you from a leaf Pokemon completely sweeping your team. Arcanine is the best fire choice, but Ninetails also can be good. Also your team is mostly relying on their defense stats, so getting a snorlax could be a good choice for a special attack absorber.

Which Pokemon can be found with super roads?

some pokemons like seaking dragtini golden remoraid garados kabby kingler can be found with super roads

What level does Onix evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

He doesn't evolve by leveling up. It's exactly like how you get a Kingdra. to get Kingdra you trade him or get him in a trade while he is holding a Dragon Scale. To get Steelix, trade him over and back or get him from a freind while he's holding a Metal Coat.

Which is better nidoqueen or nidoking?

Well Nidoking does look cooler then Nidoqueen however it depends on what level Nidoking and Nidoqueen are so basicaly it all comes down to level, strenght, defense and speed then you will know which Pokemon is stronger.P.S It doesn't realy matter to be honest which ones stronger or faster or anything realy, it depends aswell which one you like best hope this helpsfrom: Pokemon Wizard

What does the moon stone do on Pokemon FireRed?

It evolves certain Pokemon, like Nidorino into Nidoking, or Clefairy into Clefable, there are a few other also.

In Pokemon Heartgold what does a moonstone do?

it may evolve some of your Pokemon like nidorina to nidoqueen, nidorino to nidoking, clefairy to clefable, and skitty to delcatty

Pokemon what is kingdra weakness?

Kingdras weakness is Dragon. It also has very good special attack which is for moves like surf, dragon pulse and ice beam. That's a good moveset for Kingdra and also teach it dragon dance if you go to the move tutors house. Glad i could help:)!