Go to the daycare (located a bit beneath goldenrod city) and put in a ditto and a stage 2 Pokemon(like nidoking, empoleon, etc.) the just walk around and keep going back to the daycare, talking to the daycare man every time. at some point, he'll say your Pokemon had an egg so take it and hatch by walking around A LOT when it hatches you'll get the basic evolution of the Pokemon you put in (so if you put in nidoking you get the boy nidoran and if you put in empoleon you'll get a piplup. i hope i helped :3
If you breed magmar and ditto, you will get and egg that will hatch into magby.
You'll need to breed Pikachu or Raichu with Ditto or the same Pokemon with opposite genders at the Daycare.
ok you really cant vs a cleffa but the only other way to get one is to breed a ditto with a clefairy or a ditto with a clefable
Buy 2 DS Get Heartgold Get Soulsilver Capture Ho-oh in Heartgold Breed Ho-oh with Ditto Hatch Ho-oh Trade Ho-oh with a Pokemon from your Soulsilver Breed Ho-oh with Ditto in Soulsilver There's u egg.
Yes, Beldum can breed but it can only breed with Ditto.
If you breed magmar and ditto, you will get and egg that will hatch into magby.
any pokemon except legendarys. there are categorys of witch pokemon can breed with other pokemon but all can breed with ditto :)
ditto is probably the only Pokemon that can breed with cresselia they are really rare to find in sinnoh so the best way is to go get a ditto from heart gold or soul silver
They will simply gain Exp. You can't breed legendary pokemon.
yes you can
They can breed if left in the Pokemon Day Care with Ditto. Breeding usually makes the unevolved form of that Pokemon, unless the Pokemon does not evolve into or evolve from anything.
You'll need to breed Pikachu or Raichu with a Ditto or the same Pokemon with the opposite gender at the Daycare.
You'll need to breed Pikachu or Raichu with Ditto or the same Pokemon with opposite genders at the Daycare.
You can breed your Togetic, Togekiss, or Togepi in the Pokemon Day Care with a Ditto.
put it with a ditto in the daycare