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Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare due to their extremely low percent chance of finding one. There is about a 0.01220703125% chance of finding one or more simply put every 1 out of 8192 Pokemon has the chance to be a shiny. Even with the shiny charm added in Gen V the chances of finding a shiny is about 1 in 2730 although a significant difference it is still an extremely low chance of finding one

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Q: Why are shiny Pokemon so rare?
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What town in Pokemon Diamond has shiny Pokemon?

shiny Pokemon are rare you can find them almost any were but they are super rare

Where do you get shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

Shiny Pokemon can be anywhere, it is just very rare.

Where are shiny unown?

As rare as any other shiny pokemon: a 1 in 8192 chance

Is a red metapod a rare Pokemon?

It is indeed. It is a shiny pokemon. Definitely rare.

Where do you find Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

You can find shiny Pokemon randomly through out the game.

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in heartgold and soulsilver?

You can either get 1 off you DP game, or just hope you get so so so so so so lucky, because this is the chance of getting a shiny - 000.01. That's how rare shiny Pokemon are. If you do want a shiny i have a shiny pichu ( Pikachu coloured pichu ) i am in the Wireless connection club union room at 4:40 - 6:50. I think you mean 0.0001 or .00001 -- but to get the point, its rare,an easy shiny Pokemon to get is the red gyrados.

Wild shiny Pokemon?

It is a 1/8,192 chance of getting a shiny in the wild. It is really rare, so patience is required.

What was the Pokemon that is a shiny in johto in the lake of rage?

it is a red garados (remember shiny Pokemon are rare)

Can two normal Pokemon hatch a shiny?

Yes, I believe so, but its very rare.

Can you get a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes, it is possible to get a shiny Pokemon in HeartGold. Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare, and sometimes you may never encounter them in the game.

What shiny Pokemon can you find in Pokemon silver?

The red Gyarados (100%) because it is there and it is awesomely shiny any other Pokemon can be shiny too it's just too dang rare I SAID RARE NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

How do you get rare Pokemon with the pokeradar?

i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar