Wait... what? First of all I don't think that there is an "Endless Dragon" existing in Yu-Gi-Oh. Next, which kind of Blue Eyes are you talking about? It could be Blue Eyes White Dragon or Blue Eyes Shining Dragon. Well, anyways by the way you phrase the question, whoever is selling this deal to you don't accept it. Sorry if I didn't answer your question correctly. :( "Endless Dragon with the Blue Eyes" is a fake version of "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" - I have seen one before.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.
Yes, blue-eyes shining dragon can destroy a rainbow dragon.
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Burst Stream of Destruction Dragon Master Knight Kaibaman Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Paladin of White Dragon The White Stone of Legend White Dragon Ritual
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue dragonhide, dragon bones, sometimes coins, etc.
Yes! Every dragon is for members.
If you have 70 agility use the crack, or use a special key to get in.
green= range blue= magic red= melee black= all the above
the most expensive: blue partyhat the most useful combat weapon: corrupt dragon scimitar
a blue dragon is about a blue dragon
talk to the rope seller in draynor village I believe his name is Ned he will be wearing blue
yes there is alot of dragons really only for members there are green,blue,red,black,babies,bronze,iron,steel,king black dragon and many others
Baby blue dragons are located in Taverly dungeon, there is about 5 baby dragon's located there, along with three level 111 blue dragons.
Wait... what? First of all I don't think that there is an "Endless Dragon" existing in Yu-Gi-Oh. Next, which kind of Blue Eyes are you talking about? It could be Blue Eyes White Dragon or Blue Eyes Shining Dragon. Well, anyways by the way you phrase the question, whoever is selling this deal to you don't accept it. Sorry if I didn't answer your question correctly. :( "Endless Dragon with the Blue Eyes" is a fake version of "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" - I have seen one before.
A Green Dragon's Best Drops are: - Dragon egg - Used in summoning for a pet dragon. - Rune Full Helm - Rune Kiteshield - Dragon Spear - Dragon Bones ( 100% Drop) - Dragon Hide Green ( 100% Drop ) - Shield Left Half ( Dragon ) - Clue Scroll Level 3 - Gold, Green, Crimson and blue Charms
* Baby Blue Dragon * Black demon * Black dragon * Black Knight * Blue dragon * Chaos druid * Chaos Dwarf * Hellhound * Hill giant * Jailer * Kharidian scorpion * Lesser demon * Magic axe * Monk of Zamorak * Poison spider * Poison Scorpion * Skeleton * Suit of Armour