Cooler is definitely stronger than Frieza but it isn't known exactly how strong King Cold is.
well if you are asking about freiza's dad then it is king cold he is also cooler's dad.
Goku returned from defeating Frieza in episode 121 of season four after Trunks chopped Frieza into pieces and blasted him along with his father King Cold
King Kold.
gohan is stronger than trunk gohan can go super saiyan 2 and trunk too but gohan is stronger EDIT:trunks is stronger because trunks beat frieza and king cold no sweat while gohan counldnt put a scratch on frieza
Yes, Goku wins the battle and leaves in time but the people on earth try to wish him back to earth but he decides to train in space as a super sayan than come home with his family. But, Frieza is still alive and with his dad king Cooler to give revenge to son Goku but Goku is still not on earth yet and might come home to the horror on his friends death.
No, there is no fusion of Frieza and Cooler. It is unknown whether the Ice Demons (Frieza, King Cold, Cooler, and their race) can fuse.
Frieza wasn't killed by Goku , Trucks was the one who killed Frieza and King Cold but Cooler did get mad however when Goku beat Frieza on Namek.
well if you are asking about freiza's dad then it is king cold he is also cooler's dad.
Lord Chilled is actually King Cold's, Cooler's and Frieza's descendant.
King Cold is Frieza's father.
He wasnt as powerful as his sons were. He became lazy and eventually Frieza nd Cooler surpassed him
Frieza, of Dragonball Z, is the son of King Cold. King Cold is a very powerful mutant that rules the Planet Trade Organization.
King Cold - Father East Kai - Mother(Dragon ball af) Cooler - Brother Frieza - himself Ice - Cousin(Dragon ball af) Grand Freeze - Grandpa(Dragon ball af)
Frieza is from the planet called Planet Frieza No. 17.
After the battle on namek with goku, it blew up. Frieza's father King Cold ordered is minions to go and find him. Finally they did and King Cold ordered them to repair him, so they made him into a robot so then he is called meta frieza. When they arrive on earth, Trunks slices meta frieza in half with his sword and blasts KIng Cold with a beam. That was his end.
King Cold is Frieza's dad
Goku returned from defeating Frieza in episode 121 of season four after Trunks chopped Frieza into pieces and blasted him along with his father King Cold