Cell is alot stronger than Frieza. Frieza couldn't beat a super Saiyan 1.
Cell toyed around with a super Saiyan 2.
Cell would kill Frieza easily.it would be a miracle if frieza wins against cell.
Yeah Cell would most probably...Frieza pffff he'll get his limbs dismembered if dares to
Frieza's mom wished she would not age and kai's do not age
Cooler is definitely stronger than Frieza but it isn't known exactly how strong King Cold is.
Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.
because he knew that the Saiyans were getting stronger everyday and he couldn't control them. He was also afraid that one would become a Super Saiyan and overthrow him.
master chief would probably win but homer will usea dirty move or win off a distraction
Contributor Opinions:Frieza would win.
Goku would win. It has already happened.
In the beginning frieza actually killed vegeta but towards the middle of the story vegeta goes super sayan so he would defeat frieza
Frieza wins...
buu would easily win.
Perfect Cell
That's a tough one, seeing as though Frieza can survive a planetary explosion and Envy can regenerate. But to be honest, I don't think they would fight, they're both far smarter than that. No, in fact, I think that they would team up, Envy would help Frieza kill the saiyans and Frieza would help Envy kill the elric brothers and create the philosopher's stone. But, if they did fight, I'd have to say that Frieza would win. Sorry Envy, he's just stronger than you.
That's kind of an opinion question, haha. I personally think Frieza...It's hard to judge when their series' powers and whatnot are so different.