

Best Answer

1. Bulbasaur 2. Ivysaur 3. Venasaur

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Q: Who were the first 3 Pokemon?
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Where do you get the first Pokemon on national at on Pokemon Pearl?

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Animenia - 2008 Pokemon The First Movie 3-1 was released on: USA: 30 March 2012

How you can get nationalpokedex in Pokemon Silver?

There is no national pokedex in pokemon silver. It just first appeared in Generation 3.

What are the starter Pokemon for the new Pokemon game after HeartGold and SoulSilver?

There are 3 beginning 3 more end first 3 are Cindquail , Totidile , Chikorta next 3 are squirtle , charamander , bulbasaur.

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The Pokemon I have found on Hollowbrook Town so far are all between level 3 and level 6.I have seen:RattataCaterpieSpearowSandslash

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Pokemon 3 The Movie, and Zoroark: Master of Illusions.

What is the first 3 pokemon in sapphire?

The three starters: Mudkip, Torchic, and Treecko.

When will the Pokemon with fire on its back an its the first 3 Pokemon?

do you mean what Pokemon it is? if you do, it is called Cynderquil (may have spelt it wrong) pronounced cynd-er-quill. I love Pokemon even though i am twelve.

In Pokemon which Pokemon mew or Arceus came first in Pokemon world history?

Arceus was the Pokemon who created the world and the first Pokemon in it Mew therefore Arceus came first but still leaving Mew the first Pokemon.

Can you get a Pikachu as your first Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl version?

No, you can't get Pikachu as your first Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl or Pokemon Diamond.

How you can catch the Pokemon in snowpoint templet in Pokemon platinum?

Do you mean Regigigas? If so, then you first need to attain all 3 of the regis (Regirock, Regice, and Registeel) then you can interact with the pokemon, and battle it.

Which Pokemon is best on Pokemon white out of the first 3 you choose from?

They are all great and helpful during the game, but I always prefer the fire type pokemons.