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no. Pikachu was the first Pokemon to be popular, Bulbasaur was the first to be drawn. Arceus is the first Pokemon to exist in the Pokemon legends but during beta testing, they found that pikachu was much more popular, and in the interest of profits, they changed it.

this is why clefairy has that big long story about being the "moon Pokemon".

Pikachu is commonly mistaken as the first Pokemon to be designed, but it is not the first at all. Rhydon was the first designed Pokemon and programmed in Pokemon Red and Green before the rest of the Pokemon.

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Q: Was Pikachu the first Pokemon
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Can you get a Pikachu as your first Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl version?

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Why is Pikachu the most famous Pokemon?

Because it was the first Pokemon EVER MADE! acually the pokedex says that pikachu is the 25 Pokemon pikachu is ash's first Pokemon

Is Pikachu the first Pokemon?

Many people think that Pikachu is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex. But actually, Pikachu is #25, while Bulbasaur is #1. ~Lucario

Is bulbusar the first Pokemon?

NO pikachu is

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well to find a pikachu in Pokemon Staduim 2 First You Have To Select A Good Selection Then When you find Pikachu Battle It And Get it

Why is pikachu cool?

He was Ash's first Pokemon on the TV show... Pikachu rocks!

Is there a Pokemon called Pikachu?

ofcourse there is it was ash's first pokemon

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Pikachu, He didnt exactly catch Pikachu it was given to him by Professor Oak. The first pokemon he caught was Caterpie

What Pokemon will ash get?

Probably a Pikachu first

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What is the name of ash's first Pokemon?

Isn't it obviously that Pikachu is Ash's first pokemon.

Can you get pikachu as first Pokemon in Pokemon soulsilver?

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