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Q: Who was imprisoned in the cave?
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Who was imprisoned in the cave in The Last of the Mohicans?


Whose island was Odysseus imprisoned on?

Odysseus was trapped in the cave of the cyclops in the cyclops island. He was later trapped for 7 years on Calypso's island.

Who was that saint Rizal visited the famous cave where a Catholic saint was imprisoned?

Saint Paul the First Hermit lived in the cave where Jose Rizal visited when he was in the Holy Land. St. Paul is known for being a hermit who lived in solitude and prayer, and his cave is a famous pilgrimage site for Christians.

What does the chains in the allegory of the cave mean?

The chains in the allegory of the cave represent ignorance and bondage to false beliefs or societal conventions that restrict individuals from perceiving reality as it truly is. They symbolize the constraints that prevent people from seeking knowledge and enlightenment, keeping them imprisoned in a world of shadows and illusions.

How were violators of the enforcment act of 1870 punished?

They were fined and imprisoned.

What is the present tense of imprisoned?

The present tense of imprisoned is imprison.

When Shah Jahan was imprisoned and who imprisoned him?

Sha Jahn was imprisoned on June 1, 1958 by Augranzeb.

What year did Copernicus get imprisoned?

Copernicus was never imprisoned.

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whi imprisoned valentine

What was the name of the cyclops in the Odyssey?

Polyphemus the cyclops was the son of the sea god Poseidon. He killed and ate some of Odysseus' crew while they were imprisoned in his cave, and he was blinded by a burning tree trunk shoved in his single eye.

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Aiolos, master of winds divine, Imprisoned gusts within his cave's confines, Odyssey sought his bag of wind in vain, Liberator of tempests, Aiolos reigns.

What is the duration of My Imprisoned Heart?

The duration of My Imprisoned Heart is 3540.0 seconds.