The address of the Cave Spring Library is: 17 Cedartown Street, Cave Spring, 30124 2703
Yes you can. You have to beat the game and at route 214 spring path will open and in the spring path there is a cave called Turn Back cave and somewhere in there will be Giratina.
The turn back cave in Pokemon Platinum is in Seodoff Spring near veilstone city
You can only acess Turnback Cave if you have the National Pokedex. So when you there's a path called Spring Road just north of Veilstone City. Go onto Spring Road and just keep going until you reach a large pond with a cave next to it. Go into the cave, and there you are.
Groudon can be found at: Cave of Origin, Terra cave.
i n secret cave of waward cave.. that cave is located UNDER bycycling tunnel/bridge up in Oreburgh city
The address of the Cave City Branch Library is: 120 Spring Street, Cave City, 72521 0240
The phone number of the Cave Spring Library is: 706-777-3346.
The address of the Cave Spring Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 715, Cave Spring, GA 30124-0715
The address of the Bee Cave Public Library is: 4000 Galleria Pkwy, Bee Cave, 78738 6370
The address of the Spring Valley Library is: 836 Kempton Street, Spring Valley, 91977 4952
The address of the Spring Hill Library is: 109 S. Webster Street, Spring Hill, 66083 M
The address of the Spring Hill Public Library is: 144 Kedron Parkway, Spring Hill, 37174 0311
The address of the Glade Spring Branch Library is: 212 Grace Street, Glade Spring, 24340 M
The address of the Mammoth Spring Public Library is: 101 Main Street, Mammoth Spring, 72554 0256
The address of the Sinking Spring Public Library is: 3940 Penn Ave, Sinking Spring, 19608 1168
The address of the Spring Lake Branch Library is: 101 Laketree Blvd, Spring Lake, 28390 3340
The address of the Spring Grove Public Library is: 172 West Main, Spring Grove, 55974 1442