The turn back cave in Pokemon Platinum is in Seodoff Spring near veilstone city
The "Griseous-Orb" is found in "TurnBack-Cave". It is item to be held by Giritina. It powers up ghost and dragon type moves and turns giritina into origin form(e).
Giratina can be found in Turnback Cave,He is at Lv 70.,Turnback Cave is unlocked after you obtain the National Pokedex it is also close to Pastoria City.
You'll need Pokemon Sapphire inserted into the DS and go to either Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Spring Path, or Turnback Cave.
Follow the directions in these pictures: it worked for me in the diamond and pearl games and even in platinum. Good Luck ;)
Yes, enter Turnback Cave after you beat Cynthia. Go to the portal; it will not be there. Giratina will be standing there.
At Turnback Cave
Turnback cave.
Turnback Cave In Diamond and Pearl. Torn World in Platinum.
(Pokemon Platinum Only) A portle to the Dostortion (Reverse) world.
You can find this pokemon, named Dusclops, at the Sendoff Spring and the Turnback Cave.
It depends if you have knocked it out in the distortion world. it would be there or in turnback cave.
In the distorion world If u defeat it, beat the pokemon leauge and, it will apper in Turnback cave.
yes. Go to where Giratina was in Diamond/pearl, that is Turnback cave
Spring Path
In Turnback Cave after Spring Path on route 214 (must find in cave after many rooms)
You cannot find the Pokemon Darkrai in Turnback Cave in the game Pokemon Diamond. Instead you can find him in Newmoon Island.
Giratina is in Turnback Cave if you have Diamond or Pearl. If you’ve already captured him in Platinum, you’ll find a Gresious Orb. It will change Giratina into his origin form if you make him hold it, and it also boosts the power of Ghost and Dragon moves.