Giratina can be found in Turnback Cave,He is at Lv 70.,Turnback Cave is unlocked after you obtain the National Pokedex it is also close to Pastoria City.
you can't
You cannot get Giratina in Pokemon Emerald. Emerald is a third generation Pokemon game, and Giratina didn't appear until the fourth generation, with Diamond and Pearl.
its been confirmed you can catch it in Pokemon platinum pearl and diamond
You go in the distortion world and find giratina
get giratina give the girseous orb to it and trade to a Friend and trade it back to diamond or pearl
Giratina cannot evolve.
The legendaries in Pokemon pearl are Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia and Heatran.
there is no stone which changes giratina in Pokemon pearl
Yes, Giratina is a good Pokemon. It is one of the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and Explorers of Sky.
you can't
You cannot get Giratina in Pokemon Emerald. Emerald is a third generation Pokemon game, and Giratina didn't appear until the fourth generation, with Diamond and Pearl.
Giratina (from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) isn't in Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal. But if you mean Pokemon Platinum (the sequel to Diamond and Pearl), then yes. However Pokemon Platinum hasn't been released yet.
You can't catch a giratina in Pokemon Pearl. So I don't know what on earth you do next.
first u have 2 beat the Pokemon league then go on utube and type in how to get giratina on Pokemon pearl
You can't change Giratina's form in Pokemon Pearl (that includes Diamond). You can change Giratina's form in Pokemon Platinum (that includes Heart Gold and Soul Silver). You can change Giratina's form with the Griseous Orb. To change Giratina's form give Griseous Orb to Giratina and then take it off and Giratina changed its form.