its been confirmed you can catch it in Pokemon platinum pearl and diamond
You need to catch Giratina or beat Giratina after that go to Lake Verity. You need HM Surf...
Yes, but if you want to catch giratina later you can go to turn back cave.
You cannot get Giratina in Pokemon Emerald. Emerald is a third generation Pokemon game, and Giratina didn't appear until the fourth generation, with Diamond and Pearl.
the giratina in firered are super rare, so it might take you a long time trying to catch it. my recommendation is that to hunt around in grassy areas futher on in the game, my friend caught one, so it's not immpossible!
catch or kill giratina the you'll go to sendoff spring haunter is somewhere there. NOTE if you dont believe me kill or catch giratina go in the portal where giratina was then look on the map!
trade him from from another Pokemon game :)
How to catch giratina in Pokemon white? For me i got it by transfering it in the Pokemon transferer maybe you can do that.
you find it at giratina lake
You can't games you find Giratina in are Pokemon Pearl, Diamond and Platinum if you want to get Giratina badly get Pokemon platinum because in that game he is the main Pokemon!
first you have to battle all the elite four after that you can catch it..............but i don't now where to catch giratina
You cannot get Giratina in-game in Pokemon White.
you try to catch all of the Pokemon in the game to fill up you'r pokedex
1st- Giratina. 2nd- Dialga. But that's only a matter of opinion.
Yes, you do have to save them in order to catch Giratina.
You walk into the portal Giratina leaves behind after capture.