catch or kill giratina the you'll go to sendoff spring haunter is somewhere there. NOTE if you dont believe me kill or catch giratina go in the portal where giratina was then look on the map!
Haunter learns Payback at Level 28 in "Pokémon Platinum."
You have to trade the Pokemon to evolve it.
gengar haunter gastly
Ask a friend to trade u a Pokemon for his/her haunter
Gastly evolves into Haunter once it reaches level 25 or higher.
you cant you have to evolve haunter
Yes. you can find ghastly at lost tower or Eterna Forest. You can get haunter but i don't know where.
Haunter learns Payback at Level 28 in "Pokémon Platinum."
At Turnback Cave
You have to trade the Pokemon to evolve it.
You have to trade it and it evolves.
gengar haunter gastly
Ask a friend to trade u a Pokemon for his/her haunter
Haunter at level 25
Haunter can level up and evolve. It evolves by trading with another player.
Gastly evolves into Haunter once it reaches level 25 or higher.