In the English dub of the anime, Marik Ishtar is voiced by Jonathan Todd Ross. He is also voiced by Taaz Gill in the Singapore adaption to the English film.
In the Japanese version, he is voiced by Tetsuya Iwanaga. In the Japanese anime, he is also played by Akiko Kimura during the flashback when he was still a young boy.
Yami Marik is also voiced by Jonathan Todd Ross in the English dub. However, he voiced by Brian Zimmerman in the Singapore adaption.
In the Japanese version, Yami Marik is again played by Tetsuya Iwanaga.
No. Yami Marik will never appeal to being your friend. He will also disappear after completing the initial Story, and instead be replaced by his doppelganger, Marik Ishtar. You can, however, register Marik as a Duelist.
Yami Marik will always be located in the second city. However, he will no longer appear after completing the initial story, and will instead be replaced by his doppelganger, Marik Ishtar.
You get to level 22 and beat Yami Marik Then you will have all packs available however some cards you have to trade to get.
Go to grampas shop and type in this code in the machine 51404976 then go back to Egypt and marik will change it for you
I really do not know very well, but I know for one thing that she was almost sent to the Shadow Realm by Marik, but thanks to Joey and yugi, she was saved She qiut playing yugioh and did other things.
Well his evil dark side is but marik himself is also half evil
Marik is a male charecter.
You can't XD
Yes he will!
stabbed him in the eyes with the millenium rod
about 5'3
If you mean the User [Ishtar] of the MMO Board, yes he's a Gayfag.
if you mean normal Marik he's 16, yami Marik is (despite look 20 something) 6 years old.
Before it belongs to Yugi, it belongs to Marik Ishtar, Yami Marik would be the dark spirit's name
He called himself 'Nabu'.
I'd say roughly about 17 years old or less
No. Yami Marik will never appeal to being your friend. He will also disappear after completing the initial Story, and instead be replaced by his doppelganger, Marik Ishtar. You can, however, register Marik as a Duelist.