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it`s nothing they were probaly to lazy to do the rest of it

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Q: Who is the ghost girl in Pokemon diamond?
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Why is the girl in the hunted house in Pokemon diamond?

Well, she is in pearl too and I think she is a ghost.

Who is the girl in the old chateu in Pokemon diamond?

she is seriously a ghost so you can necer talk to her not even with cheat codes.

Who is the little girl and the old man in the old chateau in Pokemon diamond pearl and platinum?

the girl and old guy are ghost i think you can talk to them

Who is the little girl and the old man in the old chateu in Pokemon diamond pearl and platinum?

Ghost,at least that what everybody says

Were is a good ghost place on Pokemon Diamond?

there r 2 good places to get ghost Pokemon on Pokemon diamond: the old chateu in eterna forest and the lost tower by solaceon town

What room do you battle the ghost girl in?

Go in to the mansion in Pokemon diamond/pearl. Go to the room at the left and press a on the TV and she will come.

In which room does the ghost girl stand in Pokemon diamond?

I think shes in harthome city, but not sure. but in fire red version, theres a ghost marowak in the tower where you fight your rival.

Where is the ghost house in Pokemon diamond?

the old chatau

What is ghost types weaknesses Pokemon diamond?

Ghost type is weak to Ghost type and Dark type moves.

In Pokemon diamond what type is the gym leader in herthome?


Where in Pokemon Diamond is the ghost at?

Ghost is only in Pokemon blue, red, yellow, fire red and leaf green. Its useless cause its uncatchable.

Where can you find misdreavus in Pokemon Diamond?

Misdreavus is a Ghost type Pokemon available only in Pokemon Pearl (of the fourth generation games). It may be traded over to Pokemon Diamond.