i reckon PLatinum. it has all the new features but doesnt allow some Pokemon to appear in the wild that do in Diamond/ pearl. but platinum also has even rarer Pokemon that don't appear in pearl/diamond. I have all three. YAY
this at Pokemon diamond and pearl and platinum only go to sandgem town and there is a big house get in there and there is a little girl talk to her she will give all the information you need
it is near the valley windworks in a little patch of grass
First u have 2 beat the gym leader, volkner. Then u go to that little beach north of the city and talk to jasmine and she will give u the hm for waterfall.
You get Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno after getting national pokedex. Go to your marking map app and you will see little heads flying around, those are the Pokemon you are looking for.As far as I know that only happens on Pokemon Platinum and you have to talk to Proffessor Oak in Eterna City first.
i reckon PLatinum. it has all the new features but doesnt allow some Pokemon to appear in the wild that do in Diamond/ pearl. but platinum also has even rarer Pokemon that don't appear in pearl/diamond. I have all three. YAY
Ghost,at least that what everybody says
Unfortunately the Action Replay codes do not work for Platinum, but if you level up/catch rare Pokemon on Diamond/Pearl and trade them over (holding an item e.g. masterball) then it'll be like a little cheat device. This is how I intend to get Manaphy.
Sorry, You cant get him on Platinum, The only way is with a Action Replay.. but you can find him in certain caves on Pokemon diamond and pearl but not on platinum u can get him on certain days, go talk to dawn or lucas's little sister newtest3
this at Pokemon diamond and pearl and platinum only go to sandgem town and there is a big house get in there and there is a little girl talk to her she will give all the information you need
Yes, there is a butler that appears and dissapears in the dining roomand there is a little girl that sometimes is in one of the rooms, leavesand immedeatly vanishes.
the scary picture is gengar and you can get it by walking around the room and you will eventually run into one. idk where the girl goes
Any Pokemon with the little gender doohicky.
Same As Pearl And Diamond,Get The National Dex,And she`ll tell where`s the beakout,and tell you to do better than her Brother.
There are two ghosts in the Old Chateau. The first ghost is the butler that can be found in the dining hall, and the second ghost is the little girl in the bedroom on the far right on the second floor.
You know, this is a hard choice for everyone. If you've played the GBA games, the DS ones are way different but a little less fun. I haver Diamond (Which is A LOT like Platinum) and Soul Silver. And me? Well, I personally like Soul Silver better. It is way more entertaining than Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. They can get boring, but Soul Silver and Heart Gold are cool and fun. Hope I helped! :)
the Pokemon that dawns little sister tells you