this at Pokemon diamond and pearl and platinum only go to sandgem town and there is a big house get in there and there is a little girl talk to her she will give all the information you need
Illumise, along with her male counterpart, Volbeat, are not considered "rare" Pokemon, but they are hard to find.
buy it at the rare Pokemon store
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs
where do i find rare candies?where do i find this item? i want to evole my quilava to lv36!
you find it in safari Pastoria city rare
They're rare, so you just have to find one by chance.
snow point temple. two rare Pokemon
Not really that rare... in Pokemon Diamond you can find Sunkerns on Route 204
shiny Pokemon are rare you can find them almost any were but they are super rare
Tropius is not rare.
Look for them in the grass
n e where
by rara do u mean rare if so your starter is rare
You have to find poke balls in the wild which contain rare candy in them.
Speak to Dawn's/Lucas' little sister, she will tell you about 15 different rare pokemon.
Just find them!
rare pokemon