where do i find rare candies?where do i find this item?
i want to evole my quilava to lv36!
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs
you can find 1 or 2 rare candy in all the lakes
The last answer doesnt work. And Pokemon yellow,red,and blue are not like Pokemon Gold,Silver, and Crystal. Trust me i havem all. The rare candy codfe is: 18790006467
You can find rare candy- oute 106,110,114,119,120,123,132 trick house (pass through the first maze) there are the locations for the rare candy. good luck
Rare Candy isn't bought, you find it in Item Balls, or you are given one by the Trick Master.
train, or rare candy
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs
You can find a rare candy in wayward cave! I already found the rare candy there!
You can find rare candy in alot of places: Caves, Routes, even with the itemfinder. You can also get rare candy from your Pokemon if you have a Pokemon that has the ability pickup every now and again it will find an item it can be a rare candy and many more items.
You have to find rare candy or buy them at a certain store.
You have to find poke balls in the wild which contain rare candy in them.
you can find 1 or 2 rare candy in all the lakes
The last answer doesnt work. And Pokemon yellow,red,and blue are not like Pokemon Gold,Silver, and Crystal. Trust me i havem all. The rare candy codfe is: 18790006467
You can find rare candies by smashing rocks anywhere and also by using your dowsing rod(in your key items) and use it 2 find items in caves with roks that AREN'T breakable.
You can find rare candy- oute 106,110,114,119,120,123,132 trick house (pass through the first maze) there are the locations for the rare candy. good luck