Illumise, along with her male counterpart, Volbeat, are not considered "rare" Pokemon, but they are hard to find.
A rare Pokemon is on a honey tree when you see the tree shaking. (the more it shakes the rare the Pokemon )
You can get rare candies in pokemon yellow
Solrock is not such a rare Pokemon but you can only get them in ruby/emerald
yes it could be a rare Pokemon it depends who you are comparing it to but other wise yes it is rare
you cannot catch wild rare Pokemon in xd but you can catch the trainers rare Pokemon, if they are "inpure"
If the Pokemon is extremely uncommon, then it is rare.
Rare Pokemon? I suppose, Ledgendarys are rare, Palkia. Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf. Altaria are kinda rare, Garchomp are rare. -Hope I helped
A rare Pokemon is on a honey tree when you see the tree shaking. (the more it shakes the rare the Pokemon )
its is super RARE
Only if you migrate rare Pokemon
You can get rare candies in pokemon yellow
legendary Pokemon are rare. Pokemon from other regions are usually rare starter Pokemon from other regions THERE ARE HUNDREDS!!!!! WE CANT NAME IT ALL!!!!!
There isn't a rare Pokemon store, but there is an actual Pokemon store in Japan.
snow point temple. two rare Pokemon
OK how do you get Darkrai,Articuno,and Arceus on Pokemon Platinum? buy them at the rare Pokemon store
the main rare Pokemon is ragwaza (soz carnt remember how to spell it <:)