Chaos is a Water-ish type of creature who came from the Master Emerald, also if you feed him a Chaos Emerald, he will turn more powerful: Chaos 0, Chaos 2, Chaos 4,Chaos 6 & Perfect Chaos.
According to Sonic the Comic when Perfect Chaos attacks Sonic he absorbs the Chaos energy!
Tikal, who appears in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2, is a priestess for the Master Emerald and Chaos, the god of chaos. She seems to be related to Knuckles.
No, there are only 6 Chaos Emeralds available in the first Sonic the Hedgehog. Super Sonic's first appearance is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 when SEGA brought in another Chaos Emerald.
Sonic Chaos happened in 1993.
In Sonic Adventure, Perfect Chaos is the Chaos Creature when it has its tail and the 7 chaos emeralds.
Sonic Chaos was created on 1993-10-25.
In Sonic X episode (around) 32 Sonic defeats perfect Chaos as Super Sonic, and Chaos and Tikal disappear into the sky, after that Chaos is not seen again in the TV show.
According to Sonic the Comic when Perfect Chaos attacks Sonic he absorbs the Chaos energy!
You can't mate the chaos in sonic advance 3 -.-
chaos is not even on sonic rivals so you cant
He doesnt, CHAOS used the negative Chaos Energy from the Chaos Emeralds. Tails said that just before Sonic used the POSITIVE Chaos Energy.
He copied Sonic's abilities and copied Chocola's and Froggy's Chaos DNA.
Sort of. In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, he does Chaos Control to flee from that exploding capsule and in the race/battle with Shadow, if you play as Shadow and get to far ahead then Sonic says "I'll use your...Chaos Control" and zips in front. But this is the only game that I know of where he can use Chaos Control. -- sonic has the power to use chaos control like shadow. However it is far more draining on his energy than for shadow. However the other chaos abilities such as chaos blast and chaos spear do not appear to be available to sonic.
No. Chaos (as Chaos 0) is seen after the battle with Tikal.
Knuckles is the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds. He was mislead by Dr. Robotnik into believing that Sonic had stolen the Chaos Emeralds.