According to Sonic the Comic when Perfect Chaos attacks Sonic he absorbs the Chaos energy!
Beacuse ppeople want them to be differnt.
Fire and sonics. Sonics to a lesser degree then Venom
Scourge The Hedgehog is a green hedgehog, one of the many Anti-Sonics. The only other reoccuring green character is Jet The Hawk. In the Sonic Underground series Manic The Hedgehog, brother to Sonic and Sonia, is also green.
Go behide the Red Box and use the key to open the green door on the 3rd level
finish all other characters story then you will unlock super sonics story.
It is found in Sonics green forest stage.
Sadly, we don`t know who "ashura" is , but he is NOT Sonics brother. Ashura is a glitch in Sonic's 2nd game. He is green and black. He isn't Sonic's brother, but fans like to believe he is.
The Sonics was created in 1960.
The Sonics ended in 1968.
Do you have green eyes? John said "I have green eyes".
he has green eyes
No, Zendaya does not have green eyes. She has brown eyes.
Bristol Sonics was created in 2002.
Here Are The Sonics was created in 1965.
Most Bengal cats have green eyes but Bengal cats without green eyes are rare. my Bengal cat has green eyes
Beacuse ppeople want them to be differnt.
Fire and sonics. Sonics to a lesser degree then Venom