Gliscor is better because electric moves (ie: thunder) do not affect at all. Gliscor also has a better range of moves to learn. Staraptor takes longer to l.v. up, so i think Gliscor wins!!!!!
Gliscor, Staraptor, Buezel, Grotle, and... Pikachu
it depends whats movs you put on it
Houndoom , Roserade , Garchomp , Empoleon , Luxray , Staraptor is a very good team , it just depends what moves they have , How good there stats are What level they are.Other wise , it's a very good team for Pokemon Platinum. Here's a suggestion: Gallade , Empoleon , Garchomp , Frostlass , Crobat , Gliscor.
Unfortunately, Gliscor can not learn fly.
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gliscor, Staraptor, Buezel, Grotle, and... Pikachu
He has Pikachu, Grotle, Staraptor, Buizel, Gliscor, Monferno, and Gibble.
So far... Pikachu (obviously) Infernape Torrterra Gible Buizel Staraptor Gliscor Raichu, Mantyke & Spoink (temporarily) Pokemon Summer Academy
Depends what region you want to know what Pokemon he has. In Sinnoh he has Pikachu, Gliscor, Monferno, Grotle, Buizle, and Staraptor
staraptor, no question
Ash has these 6 Pokemon with him right now.He has a Pikachu,Buizel,Staraptor,Gliscor,Grotle,and Monferno
Id say its Pikachu Torterra Infernape Staraptor Sceptile Gliscor Charizard Bulbasaur Squirtle Noctowl and Swellow
it will be ...... staraptor , monferno and soon it will envolved to infernape , gliscor but he released it and have gible,grotle and envolved to torterra ,buizel and pikachu
I think that's a pretty good team,as long as they are all at good levels.
Gengar, Staraptor and infernape are some pretty good pokemon you should try those, I know they are some of my favourites.
it depends whats movs you put on it
Gliscor doesn't evolve.