well to get tingling you plant is any pepper black dasiy and yellow apple hope this works for you and add me im darklavajnr
one blue star blossom one red hot silly pepper and any colored dragon fruit
Flumpy is a Moshling, a pluff one. It's a Rare Moshling.
furnando the moshling is ultra rare and the new rarest moshling of 2012
There isn't a 001 Moshling.
There is no moshling 001.
not yet but soon
She is not out yet! God! To get her, complete mission 11!
yes, tingaling is a moshling but it is new and no one can get it yet.
No one knows. Since Tingling is seen on a Moshi Mash Up card, it is likely that she will be a moshling, but no one knows when that might happen.
one blue star blossom one red hot silly pepper and any colored dragon fruit
Tingaling is simply a type of moshling (a Cat of Good Fortune, says the Sticker Album), that you need to be a member to get. (Moshlings are little pets monsters can attract by planting flowers or completing missions.)
Actually there is a moshling number 1 and it is a secret moshling to get that moshling get all silly pepper.
tingling is not lucky
go into your moshling zoo and click on your moshling and then leave your house and go outside and you can walk your moshling and you can only walk one; if you are not a member you can not walk your moshling
All the moshlings are on the cover of the Moshi Monsters Moshling Zoo game. The moshling in the circle that says "Exclusive In Game Moshling" is Nipper the Titchy TrundleBot which is the moshling you get with the code that comes with the Moshling Zoo Game.
No, Purdy is a Common Moshling.
the 27th moshling is kissy in the spookies category