054 Flumpy the Pluff [Fluffie] any Star blossom, Red Magic Beans, Black Moon Orchid
054 Flumpy the Pluff [Fluffies] any Star Blossom, Red Magic Beans, Black Moon Orchid
furnando the moshling is ultra rare and the new rarest moshling of 2012
There isn't a 001 Moshling.
There is no moshling 001.
Flumpy is a white, fluffy Moshling.
Flumpy is part of the set called the Fluffies, along with Dipsy, Honey and IGGY.
Flumpy is a pink cloud. Flumpy is a white spiky cloud whose arms and legs are flumped down.
You you need to plant three seeds in your garden. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct seed combination for Flumpy, the Fluff Moshling. You'll find seeds to buy at the stall on Main Street. To get the moshling Flumpy you need to plant the following: 054 Flumpy the Pluff [Fluffie] any Star Blossom, Red Magic Beans, Black Moon Orchid
The description for Flumpy on Moshi Monsters does not say if Flumpy is male or female, so you can decide for yourself if you want your Flumpy moshling to be a boy or a girl.
Any Star Blossum + Red Magic Beans + Black Moon Orchid = Flumpy
I think WhiteFang is better??
Because you found a moshling!You could choose to keep it, Or set it free!!
054 Flumpy the Pluff [Fluffie] any Star Blossom, Red Magic Beans, Black Moon Orchid
054 Flumpy the Pluff [Fluffie] any Star blossom, Red Magic Beans, Black Moon Orchid
054 Flumpy the Pluff [Fluffie] any Star blossom, Red Magic Beans, Black Moon Orchid