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and the founder of course, Bill Gates

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Q: Who developed the Xbox and Xbox 360?
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Can you play an XBOX one game on a XBOX 360?

No. The games are developed for the updated console (Xbox 360). So they will not work, although you can play xbox games on the 360.

What video game console was developed by Microsoft?

Microsoft developed the Xbox series of consoles, comprising of the original Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Can PC games play on the Xbox 360?

No, the xbox 360 cannot play games that were developed for pc, and vice versa.

Why was the Xbox 360 developed?

it was developed to be replacement to the original Xbox, and a competitor to the Ps3 and the Wii console huge market share

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ps2,ps3,Nintendo wii, Nintendo ds, xbox, xbox 360.

Who invented a xbox360?

James Allard was head of the team that developed the Xbox 360.

Which is better Xbox or Xbox 360?

xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.

Is MAG on the Xbox 360?

No, Mag is only for the ps3 due to the fact that it is developed by Sony.

What Xbox you need to run halo3?

xbox 360 xbox 360 XBox 360

How many different Xbox are there?

xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite

Which is better a Xbox 360 or a wii?

XBOX 360 is the best. XBOX 360 is my dream. XBOX 360 is my life.

Can you play Xbox 360 games on Xbox?

You can't since the Xbox 360 has better graphics and things you can do on an Xbox 360. And considering that the Xbox 360 came out after the Xbox.