to beat reshiram you need to use a water type or leaf type pokemon
After you beat the elite four you go to the top of N's castle the light stone will fly out and reshiram will come
you can find reshiram in the center of unova when you complete the national pokedex
Reshiram is available in Pokemon Black. After you beat the Elite 4 for the first time, you will travel to N's Castle, to defeat him one last time. Before you fight him, you will encounter Reshiram. You MUST catch Reshiram to proceed. If you make Reshiram faint, you will just back up and have to battle him again. The only exception is, if your Pokemon team is full and every one of your PC boxes are full of Pokemon, making it impossible to store Reshiram, he will disappear when you defeat him. If that happens, you can find him later in the Dragonspiral Tower.
acually there is but not Reshiram or Zecrom but you can get cobalion terrakion and virizion
It depends on the level a level 100 reshiram could destroy a lv 10 zekrom it depends on the level cause they're both are equal even a level 100 zigzagoon can destroy a lv 50 reshiram
beat the elite four/ N.
You will need to beat the elite four. Before fighting N he will allow you to catch Reshiram.
Obviously, you can only get Reshiram in Pokemon Black. Anyways, you have to beat the Elite Four. After, the "Light Stone" you have will become Reshiram and then, you will have the chance to catch it. Hope this helps!
you fight n then you fight ghettis and you beat the game
After you beat the elite four you go to the top of N's castle the light stone will fly out and reshiram will come
You beat the league then go to the temple and talk to a man who enables you to use the light stone then you catch reshiram and battle the man who has got zekrom reshiram=dragon/fire zekrom=lightning/dragon
when you have gotten reshiram in black or zekrom in white, respectively,
Reshiram. You need to obtain the light stone then beat the Elite 4 and the light stone will become Reshiram. Hope this helped :)
You beat the champ and go to N's castle and beat him with Reshiram/Zekrom and you win!
you can find reshiram in the center of unova when you complete the national pokedex
catch reshiram or zekrom and beat the Pokemon league twice then go to opelucid city and talk to the gym leader then trade reshiram evolve pinco.
First off it's Reshiram not rashiram. And also continue on with the game. That means beat the elite four. Then you go into a room with N and first he gets Zekrom then Reshiram is woken up from the stone. He tells you to catch reshiram and even if you defeat Reshiram you can try again.