After you beat the elite four you go to the top of N's castle the light stone will fly out and reshiram will come
Reshiram is available in Pokemon Black. After you beat the Elite 4 for the first time, you will travel to N's Castle, to defeat him one last time. Before you fight him, you will encounter Reshiram. You MUST catch Reshiram to proceed. If you make Reshiram faint, you will just back up and have to battle him again. The only exception is, if your Pokemon team is full and every one of your PC boxes are full of Pokemon, making it impossible to store Reshiram, he will disappear when you defeat him. If that happens, you can find him later in the Dragonspiral Tower.
all you have to do is hold up select and b at the same time on the screen where reshiram or zekrom are at the start
The only way to wake up Snorlax on Pokemon Silver is by using the Poke Flute on kanto radio
If you have Regice, Regirock, and Registeel.
The Pokeflute!!!!
When you are on the title screen with the picture of reshiram, press the up arrow, B and Select.
Reshiram is available in Pokemon Black. After you beat the Elite 4 for the first time, you will travel to N's Castle, to defeat him one last time. Before you fight him, you will encounter Reshiram. You MUST catch Reshiram to proceed. If you make Reshiram faint, you will just back up and have to battle him again. The only exception is, if your Pokemon team is full and every one of your PC boxes are full of Pokemon, making it impossible to store Reshiram, he will disappear when you defeat him. If that happens, you can find him later in the Dragonspiral Tower.
all you have to do is hold up select and b at the same time on the screen where reshiram or zekrom are at the start
First off it's Reshiram not rashiram. And also continue on with the game. That means beat the elite four. Then you go into a room with N and first he gets Zekrom then Reshiram is woken up from the stone. He tells you to catch reshiram and even if you defeat Reshiram you can try again.
As for the legendary Pokemon, depending on what type of Pokemon you prefer, Zekrom or Reshiram would both be acceptable. Zekrom is Pokemon White's cover Pokemon and is an Electric/Dragon type. Reshiram is Pokemon Black's cover Pokemon and is a Fire/Dragon type. For the games however, the version specific Pokemon are Throw and Pitilil (white) and Sawk (black). So it's still a toss up. I personally suggest black. -In terms of battling Pokemon besides there counterpart, reshiram holds a slight advantage because he has a better movepool and typing. If they were to battle each other, it really would come down to these few things: nature, IV, and EVs (since both share the same base speed value). Something to note is that Although Zekrom has a natural advantage against water type, Reshiram can one hit most water types with the exception of Kyogre.
No. But don't give up, you can still get resharim in Pokemon white. It's simple. all you need to do is get a really, really, good Pokemon, like a level 100 haxarous with an item such as a master ball or a focus sash as a hold item. find someone with Pokemon black, and trade the really, really, good Pokemon. sadly you might permanentely lose it, but if you want resharim, it will be worth it!
When you defeated the Elite Four and the left is N, go all to the top of N's Castle when you do, the Light Stone would brighten up and Reshiram would appear. After you catch Reshiram, N would battle you.
you wake him up with the pokeflute
it depends there is cobalion is a fight and steel type there is virizion a grass and fight type there is terrakion a rock and fight type those are three ledgendary Pokemon there is also kyurem a dragon and ice type hus also a ledgendary Pokemon in the last one is tornadus you can find also sundrus only an Pokemon white in tornadus only in Pokemon black if you have tornadus in sundrus in one game like inpokemon black in Pokemon white if you have those two in whan game that i said you can wake up anthor ledgendary Pokemon
The legendaries are: . Victini (Both games) . Reshiram (Black) . Tornadus (Black) . Landorus (Both games) . Kyurem (Both games) . Volcarona (Both games) . Virizion (Both games) . Cobalion (Both games) . Terrakion (Both games)
You need to use the pokeflute on snorlax to wake it up.
The only way to wake up Snorlax on Pokemon Silver is by using the Poke Flute on kanto radio