Nobody can not get addicted to Video Games. If you like a game so much you going to play it again. If you do not like the game and get bored of it you will not play it again.
There is no one who cannot become addicted to a game.
No you cant in the Games but with the cards that you canbuyin shops
People probably imagine the game is real life, and they let the game go to their head. I know I do! And they are geeks loool and they have nothing else better to do than make games to kill brain cells
Yes video games can be very educational. People see it as a horrible addiction that you cant get rid of. That is not true at all, video games improve handicornaiton, fast reflexes, better knowledge, and can improve your mathematical skills hugely.Reasontly in the news scientist stated that the mind of a gamer can set him mind to anything and acpolishes.
Well you buy an xbox and find out i cant tell you its what the person thinks of it if you like playing and you always play then your addicted and if you dont really play it then your not addicted you retard it doesnt take a gay person to figure it out
u cant
Try to limit your self till you are no longer addicted. if you cant quit (and some people can't without help) go see a therapist.
they become addicted and they cant stop
you cant
no you cant
i cant let you do that starfox
No you cant in the Games but with the cards that you canbuyin shops
Because you're bored of whatever games you have.
yes because you get mad when u cant beat them
I don't know who your talking about so i cant answer that
you cant because it is a video game like you cant do it with wii,psp,ps3,ps2,ps1
you Get addicted by doing that thing that is really fun or you just cant stay away from what your addicted to.
You cant beat That game its just one of those games