Oreburgh Gym The Oreburgh Gym is in fact, unchanged from the ones in Diamond and Pearl version. So it's still a simple gym after all (well, the first gyms are always the simplest ones).
Roark, the first gymleader to battle. He uses mainly Rock-type Pokemon. And did I mention he has a Cranidos in his roster? Eterna Gym The Eterna Gym has a new puzzle to solve. In order to reach Gardenia, you have to battle each of the trainers in there. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to gain experiences for your Pokemon.
Gardenia, the second gymleader. She uses mainly Grass-type Pokemon and could be hard enough for those who chose Piplup as starter.
Hearthome Gym The Hearthome Gym also has new puzzle. Instead of being asked several questions to reach her (admit it, most of us wholeheartedly answer the wrong one to battle the gym trainers), Nintendo decided it would be better if they put a maze there. You will be in a darkened room, with a flashlight that illuminates (hmm..I wonder why did I use that word) your front view. Solve the maze and find Fantina to claim your badge…after defeating her of course. And also, you are now capable of challenging her the first time going to Hearthome City, instead of turning back after being in Pastoria. '''''
Fantina, the third gymleader. She uses mainly Ghost-type Pokemon. Supposedly, she is also aPokemon Coordinator. '''''Veilstone Gym Like Eterna and Hearthome, Veilstone Gym also get an upgrade. Instead of sliding through the gym, you now have to punch (literally) the sandbag in order to create a path to reach Maylene. '''''
Maylene, the fourth gymleader. Despite her small and petite appearance, she packs quite a punch when it comes to fighting. As you see, she uses mainly Fighting-type Pokemon.
Pastoria Gym Pastoria Gym, however, did not receive an upgrade. I guess they are focusing more on upgrading the Great Marsh rather than the gym (more on the Great Marsh on a separate post). So we are still left playing with the water levels once again in Pastoria Gym (and I wonder, just how tall the gym is). '''''
Crasher Wake, the fifth gymleader. Uses mainly Water-type Pokemon. His appearance reminds me somehow of a wrestler.
Canalave Gym Canalave Gym also did not receive an upgrade. It's quite a simple gym actually, so I do wonder why they didn't upgrade it. But although it is simple, it really utilizes the 3D engine of Nintendo DS. And the same question still occurs in this gym, just how tall is this gym?
Byron, the sixth gymleader. He is also a digger that mainly uses Steel-type Pokemon. Like his son, he also have an ancient Pokemon in his roster, which is a Bastiodon.
Snowpoint Gym I guess our trip to Snowpoint City in Pokemon Platinum is not as cold as before. The new outfit for the main characters in Platinum really gives them an advantage. But anyway, the Snowpoint Gym also did not receive any upgrade. Well, to tell the truth, I don't think it needed one. The gym is already challenging (and puzzling) enough without it. At least our main character is not freezing anymore like before.
Candice, the seventh gymleader. This time, really, don't let her appearance of an innocent girl fool you. She uses mainly Ice-type Pokemon and to tell you the truth, her Abomasnow sure drives your Pokemon freezing. I even had trouble facing her with anInfernape.
Sunyshore Gym The Sunyshore Gym did not receive an upgrade. Well, I guess that'll just make Volkner get more bored and bored again. It seems that his boredom of a worthy opponent is still running in Platinum. I wonder why he haven't challenge the Elite Four yet (I know there's speculation going on he replacing the Champion as in the 3rd Generation era, but it's not true - more on that later on), because in my opinion, he is one hell of a gymleader. And that's how a gymleader should handle battles. \
Volkner, the eighth gymleader. He uses mainly Electric-type Pokemon and is really a skillful gymleader. No wonder he gets bored by fighting lousy trainers.
Elite Four With several upgrades to Pokemon Platinum Gymleaders, the Elite Four indeed receive an upgrade, mostly in their Pokemon roster. And also, there ''IS in fact a nice surprise after beating the Elite Four and going to Battle Frontier.
Aaron, the first Elite Four. He uses mainly Bug-type Pokemon. He shouldn't be too hard to fight, but do be careful of his Vespiquen.
Bertha, the second Elite Four. She uses mainly Ground-type Pokemon. And to make it more difficult, she mixed with other types to counter the weaknesses. Flint, the third Elite Four. Uses mainly Fire-type Pokemon. With the new arrangement of Sinnoh Pokedex, he now uses many and various Fire-type Pokemon, including Houndoom.
Lucian, the fourth Elite Four. Uses mainly Psychic-type Pokemon and is quite strong as expected from an Elite Four. Now he has Gallade in his roster. Cynthia, the Elite Four Champion. Uses variety of Pokemon types and is a powerful opponent to fight (what do you expect, she ''IS the champion after all). Be careful of her Garchomp and Milotic.
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you can do about anything after you just cant beat the gym leaders again.
The rare Pokemon which you can get before the Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum are Giratina, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf.
you beat the elite four
40s and 50s
No. You need to beat the Pokemon League IN the Platinum one.