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Q: Who are Sora's sidekicks?
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Where can you download good kingdom hearts sprites for pivot 3?

any where dude look on google i dig soras hair

Fictional characters starting with t?

* Tigger (from Winnie the pooh) * Tom Thumb * Tom Sawyer * Tom (the cat from Tom and Jerry) * Thomas Train * Telly (one of the characters from Sesame Street) * Templeton, the rat from Charlotte's Web * Timon (one of Simba's sidekicks in The Lion King) * Tiny Tim (Dicken's A Christmas Carol) * Tarzan * Thelma (one of the gang in Scooby-Doo) * Toto (the dog in The Wizard of Oz) * The Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)

Fictional character starting with letter t?

* Tigger (from Winnie the Pooh) * Tom Thumb * Tom Sawyer * Tom (the cat from Tom and Jerry) * Thomas Train * Telly (one of the characters from Sesame Street) * Templeton, the rat from Charlotte's Web * Timon (one of Simba's sidekicks in The Lion King) * Tiny Tim (Dicken's A Christmas Carol) * Tarzan * Thelma (one of the gang in Scooby-Doo) * Toto (the dog in The Wizard of Oz) * The Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)

What is a five letter animal with 2 vowels?

* Addax * Adder * Aphid * Bears * Boars * Bongo * Booby * Burro * Camel * Civet * Cobra * Comet * Coney * Coots * Coral * Coypu * Crane * Degus * Dingo * Doves * Drake * Egret * Eland * Fluke * Foals * Fugus * Gaurs * Gecko * Goats * Hakes * Hares * Heron * Hippo * Hokis * Horse * Hound * Hyena * Junco * Kites * Kiwis * Kudus * Leech * Lemur * Liger * Lions * Llama * Lobos * Loons * Loris * Macaw * Manta * Maras (mammal) * Mares * Mites * Moles * Moray * Mules * Nandu * Nenes * Nyala * Orcas * Otter * Panda * Pikas * Pikes * Pipit * Pumas * Quoll * Racer (snake) * Rails (game bird) * Raven * Rheas * Rhino * Roach * Robin * Rooks * Sable (weasel) * Scaup (a diving duck) * Seals * Sheep * Skuas (seabird) * Snail * Snake * Snipe (wading bird) * Soras (swamp bird) * Squab (young bird) * Squid * Steed * Steer (male ox) * Stoat (weasel) * Takin (a mountain animal from Asia) * Tapir (a hoofed animal) * Tayra (a weasel) * Tegus (South American lizard) * Tiger * Titis (South American monkey) * Toads * Topis (antelope with curved horns) * Trout * Tunas * Veery (North American songbird) * Viper * Vixen (a female fox) * Voles (small rodent) * Whale * Yapok (American opossum) * Yetis (a mysterious Himalayan animal) * Zebus (Asian ox) * Zeren (Mongolian gazelle)

Make a 5 letter word with these letters b r e a d c a d o s d l o s e?

5-letter wordsabase, abele, abler, ables, abode, acerb, acold, acred, acres, added, adder, addle, adobe, adobo, adore, aedes, albas, alder, alecs, aloes, arced, ardeb, areae, areal, areas, areca, arles, arose, arses, baaed, baals, balas, balds, baled, baler, bales, balsa, barde, bards, bared, bares, basal, based, baser, bases, basso, beads, beard, bears, bedel, beers, blade, blare, blase, blear, bleed, bless, blocs, blood, board, boars, boded, bodes, bolar, bolas, boles, bolos, booed, boors, boral, boras, bored, bores, brace, brads, braes, brass, bread, brede, breed, brees, broad, brood, broos, brose, cabal, caber, cable, cades, cadre, carbs, cards, cared, cares, carle, carls, carob, carol, carse, casas, cased, cases, cease, cedar, ceded, ceder, cedes, celeb, ceorl, cered, ceres, ceros, clads, claro, class, clear, clods, close, coala, coals, coble, cobra, codas, coded, coder, codes, coeds, colas, colds, coled, coles, color, cooed, cooee, cooer, cools, coral, cords, cored, cores, corse, coses, craal, crabs, crass, credo, creed, creel, cress, cross, daces, dadas, dados, dales, darbs, dared, dares, deads, deals, dears, debar, decal, decor, decos, dedal, deeds, deers, deled, deles, dobla, dobra, dodos, doers, dolce, doled, doles, dolor, doors, dorsa, dosed, doser, doses, drabs, dread, dreed, drees, dress, drool, dross, eared, earls, eased, easel, eases, elder, erase, erode, erose, erses, escar, labor, labra, laced, lacer, laces, laded, lader, lades, lards, laree, lares, lased, laser, lases, lasso, leads, lears, lease, leers, loads, lobar, lobed, lobes, lobos, locos, lodes, loess, looed, loose, lords, lores, loser, loses, oared, oases, obese, oboes, obole, obols, ocrea, odder, odors, older, oleos, orals, orbed, orcas, ordos, oread, orles, raced, races, rales, rased, rases, readd, reads, reals, rebec, rebel, redds, reded, redes, redos, reeds, reels, resod, roads, robed, robes, roble, rodeo, roles, roods, roose, rosed, roses, sabed, saber, sabes, sable, sabra, sabre, sacra, sades, salad, sales, salsa, sards, saree, sarod, saros, scabs, scads, scald, scale, scare, scars, scold, score, scree, scrod, seals, sears, seder, seeds, seels, seers, serac, seral, sered, seres, slabs, sleds, slobs, sloes, soars, sober, socle, sodas, solar, soldo, soled, soles, solos, soras, sorbs, sords, sorel, sores

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How many soras are in holy Quran?

114 soras or surats (or chapters in English).

How Many Sidekicks Are There?

there are 8 sidekicks model out there in the market

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How many different sidekicks are there?

there are 8 sidekicks model out there in the market

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yeah tyrone's sidekicks

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Dallas Sidekicks ended in 2004.

When was Dallas Sidekicks created?

Dallas Sidekicks was created in 1984.

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There are about 150 calories in a bottle of SideKicks.

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sora's nobody is roxas

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Where can you buy sidekicks?

Unless you want to waste your money, sidekicks aren't for sale. And I don't think you'd be such a great guy if you start buying random sidekicks.

What are some phones that flip like sidekicks?

Sidekicks are the only phones that flip like that.