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* Addax * Adder * Aphid * Bears * Boars * Bongo * Booby * Burro * Camel * Civet * Cobra * Comet * Coney * Coots * Coral * Coypu * Crane * Degus * Dingo * Doves * Drake * Egret * Eland * Fluke * Foals * Fugus * Gaurs * Gecko * Goats * Hakes * Hares * Heron * Hippo * Hokis * Horse * Hound * Hyena * Junco * Kites * Kiwis * Kudus * Leech * Lemur * Liger * Lions * Llama * Lobos * Loons * Loris * Macaw * Manta * Maras (mammal)

* Mares * Mites * Moles * Moray * Mules * Nandu * Nenes * Nyala * Orcas * Otter * Panda * Pikas * Pikes * Pipit * Pumas * Quoll * Racer (snake)

* Rails (game bird) * Raven * Rheas * Rhino * Roach * Robin * Rooks * Sable (weasel) * Scaup (a diving duck) * Seals * Sheep * Skuas (seabird) * Snail * Snake * Snipe (wading bird) * Soras (swamp bird) * Squab (young bird)

* Squid * Steed * Steer (male ox) * Stoat (weasel) * Takin (a mountain animal from Asia) * Tapir (a hoofed animal) * Tayra (a weasel) * Tegus (South American lizard) * Tiger * Titis (South American monkey) * Toads * Topis (antelope with curved horns) * Trout * Tunas * Veery (North American songbird) * Viper * Vixen (a female fox) * Voles (small rodent) * Whale * Yapok (American opossum) * Yetis (a mysterious Himalayan animal) * Zebus (Asian ox) * Zeren (Mongolian gazelle)

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