"Unbreakable" has five syllables, while "alphabetical" has six. So technically, "alphabetical" wins this syllable showdown. But hey, who's counting? Oh wait, I am.
An 11-letter word considered to have only 1 syllable is squirrelled (SKWURLD).(may be pronounced as two syllables SKWUR-uld)
Creeping has two syllables.
The words you can make from the word 'giving' are:agigginIin
There are 4 syllables. Un-break-a-ble.
There are five syllables in the word alphabetical. The syllables of the word are al-pha-be-ti-cal.
The syllables in the word alphabetical are "al - pha - bet - i - cal".
My resolve is unbreakable.
No, there are no words with more syllables than letters. Syllables are made up of letters, so a word with more syllables would naturally have more letters.
There are three syllables in the word anymore which are a ny more
The root word for "unbreakable" is "break." In this case, the prefix "un-" is added to the root word "break" to create the word "unbreakable." The prefix "un-" is used to indicate the negation or reversal of the meaning of the root word, in this case, making something unable to be broken.
Synonyms for unbreakable: indestructible everlasting adamantine infrangible durable
A word with three or more syllables that starts with an E are: experience example excuses exercise