Egypt or Pyramids
Sixty :)
The 5 letter word is short. It becomes shorter when 'er' is added.
there are two syllables
Politically has 5 syllables. The syllables are po-lit-i-cal-ly.
2 + 3 = 5 syllables
Lepidoptera, luminosity
"Revolutionary" is a word with 5 syllables. "Individuality" is a word with 6 syllables.
there are 5 syllables in popularity. you can check by clapping the word out.
The word "transfer" consistsof 5 different syllables and two of them (the r) appear twice. So to write the word you have to use 6 syllables
5 - a syllable is another word for a letter
The word "nationalities" has five syllables: na-tion-al-i-ties.
there are 5 syllables in the word animadversion
The letters can be used to spell the 9 letter word intrusive and the 8 letter word inviters. They also can be used to spell the 7 letter words inverts, invites, revisit and virtues. They spell the 6 letter words insert, insure, invert, invest, invite, sentry, strive, survey, unites, unrest, vestry and virtue.