We saw it as from what heavy seven letter word can you take away two and have eight left? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .weights
Sixty... when u take 2 letters away you are left with 'six'
We saw it as from what heavy seven letter word can you take away two and have eight left? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .weights
Sixty... when u take 2 letters away you are left with 'six'
Queue. Take away the four letters UEUE and you are left with Q.
Take away the 't' and you're left with 'Fines'.
Heighty or Freight.
The word is starting! Starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.
stinger, signet, tinge, tine, tin, in, I
Well, isn't that a fun little riddle! Let's see here... Ah, I've got it! The word you're looking for is "starting." If you take away the six letters "s," "t," "a," "r," "t," and "i," you're left with the word "ng." Keep those creative juices flowing!
Answers1) The word FIVE is a 4-letter word. Take away the 3 letters 'F', 'I' and the 'E', and you are left with 'V' which is the Roman numeral for the number five.2) The word ZERO is a 4-letter word, Take away the letters Z,E and R, and you are left with O, which is zero!Other words with similar characteristicsThere is a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same meaning: aitch -> hThere is also a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same sound: queue -> qThis is a three letter word, take two letters away and it sounds the same: why -> yAnd, last by no means least, there are two 3-letter words which, when you take two letters away, mean the same thing: zee (US) -> z, zed (UK) -> z.