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Creeping has two syllables.

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Q: How many syllablles does the word creeping have?
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Hippopotamus has five syllables Hip/po/pot/a/mus.

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Where the name Reptile comes from?

It comes from the Latin word reptilis meaning creeping.

How old is the word cancer?

It is related to a Latin word meaning a creeping tumour or to the Greek word 'Karkinos'. Came into use 1350/1400

How do you use creeping in a sentence?

There are 2 ways you can say The guy at the graveyard was creeping around. The fly was creeping me out.

How will the creeping error be minimized?

minize creeping errors

How to avoid creeping noise in hydraulic cylinder?

creeping noise

When was The Creeping Nobodies created?

The Creeping Nobodies was created in 2001.

When was The Creeping Terror created?

The Creeping Terror was created in 1964.