There Is No Exact Tree(s) You Should Headbutt As All Trees Have A Possibility Of A Pokemon Appearing. The Pokemon Appearing Is Decided By The Game Itself So The Only Advice I Can Give You Is, Headbutt Until Something Pops Out.
Headbutt a tree in the Viridian Forest, you might also get a shroomish.
Note: You need Headbutt.New Bark Town Headbutt Trees.CherryGrove City Headbutt him on your pokedex and it will be red instead of green that means you need to headbutt a tree using headbutt.
headbutt a tree(close 2 ecruteak city)
Use headbutt on a tree and catch a pineco. then evolve it.Get a Pineco via Headbutting a tree. You can headbutt trees at places such as Ilex Forest to get one. Level it up to level 31 and it should evolve into a Forretress.
When facing the tree, go to your Pokemon and select the one that has the move HEadbutt. Then use it.
By using Headbutt on a Tree.
Headbutt a tree in the Viridian Forest, you might also get a shroomish.
It let's u battle Pokemon hiding in the tree
Headbutt allows a Pokemon to literally 'headbutt' a tree. Basically, it allows the Pokemon to smash its head into a tree. Sometimes, nothing may come out of the tree. Other times, Pokemon (Like Pineco) may pop out to battle you.
The Only way I know is to get Headbutt in SoulSilver (Its a HM) and then trade and use Headbutt on the tree and a Pokemon will fall down Hope I helped :3
You cant, unless you use headbutt on a tree, get a pineco, and evolve it to foretress.
Note: You need Headbutt.New Bark Town Headbutt Trees.CherryGrove City Headbutt him on your pokedex and it will be red instead of green that means you need to headbutt a tree using headbutt.
i think you have to migrate it on pal park ;) p.s where is spelt like this not were.
it is in the forestTo use headbutt in Soul Silver you go in the forest where the little house is you go a secret way. Then at the end, there is a guy. Talk to him and your first Pokemon will learn headbutt! If you want to use it, go to a tree, press A then it will say, "Do you want to hit this tree?" say YES. Then a Pokemon will appear.
a guy in the department store in saffron city OR you can headbutt a tree and you maybe vs one
Use Headbutt on a tree in Cherrygrove City.Go to Cherrygrove City. Surf across the water, and use Rock Climb to get to the trees. Headbutt the trees and Tailow will come out.
you get heracross or combees when you headbutt a tree