When facing the tree, go to your Pokemon and select the one that has the move HEadbutt. Then use it.
you go to Ilex forest and find a man in there and he will give you headbutt and teach it to you Pokemon and now you could headbutt a tree
headbutt tree
Note: You need Headbutt.New Bark Town Headbutt Trees.CherryGrove City Headbutt Trees.search him on your pokedex and it will be red instead of green that means you need to headbutt a tree using headbutt.
There Is No Exact Tree(s) You Should Headbutt As All Trees Have A Possibility Of A Pokemon Appearing. The Pokemon Appearing Is Decided By The Game Itself So The Only Advice I Can Give You Is, Headbutt Until Something Pops Out.
It means, get a pokémon that knows headbutt, like psyduck, or sudowoodow or cranidos and headbutt a stupid tree! yay!
you go to Ilex forest and find a man in there and he will give you headbutt and teach it to you Pokemon and now you could headbutt a tree
you get heracross or combees when you headbutt a tree
I think it is the same as Pokemon diamond and pearl you use headbutt on a certain tree and a Pokemon could fall out of a tree
Headbutt allows a Pokemon to literally 'headbutt' a tree. Basically, it allows the Pokemon to smash its head into a tree. Sometimes, nothing may come out of the tree. Other times, Pokemon (Like Pineco) may pop out to battle you.
By using Headbutt on a Tree.
headbutt tree
Note: You need Headbutt.New Bark Town Headbutt Trees.CherryGrove City Headbutt Trees.search him on your pokedex and it will be red instead of green that means you need to headbutt a tree using headbutt.
You teach a Pokemon headbutt, then go up to one of the large, triangle trees and press A.
There Is No Exact Tree(s) You Should Headbutt As All Trees Have A Possibility Of A Pokemon Appearing. The Pokemon Appearing Is Decided By The Game Itself So The Only Advice I Can Give You Is, Headbutt Until Something Pops Out.
Use headbutt on a tree
It means, get a pokémon that knows headbutt, like psyduck, or sudowoodow or cranidos and headbutt a stupid tree! yay!
headbutt a tree(close 2 ecruteak city)